Monday, February 14, 2011

Going to California in my mind....

No, but really, I'm going to California this summer!!  

Prepare for hundreds of Anchorman references, because I am going to Saint's Diego.... to hang out with the San Diegoans.... San Diegoins.... San Diegons...?

Well, technically it's Carlsbad, buuuut it's close to San Diego. 
My wonderful wonderful friend, Max Zoghbi, and I were chatting about this summer at a Christmas party back in December, I mean obviously it was in December, it's Christmas right?  SUPERFLUOUS is a fun word...  superfluous details.... superfluous superfluous superfluous... Be that as it may, back to the point, I told him my hopes of getting a job this summer to earn money for Italy next spring and how I would love to have a cool way to do it rather than just employing myself in BR doing some square job.  "Want to make [an undisclosed amount of money] in California doing a children's sports ministries internship with North Coast Calvary Chapel like I did?"  was more or less his answer...  And I answered "ummm... ABSOLUTELY I DO!"  Just like Jim Halpert(office reference).  So I met with my future, totally hip and cool boss, Debbie, a few times and absolutely loved everything she told me about the internship. I just found out for sure about it tonight and I'm ecstatic!!  God is so good!  =)

I'm currently listening to Bob Dylan's "just like a woman" on the playlist I made for Devan in order to begin his musical education... currently it has 130 songs... baby steps baby steps.  Some other classics on it include: my all-time favorite The Doors, our ole pal Jimi Hendrix, and finally a playlist isn't complete without some Bowie.  Other than that, it is mostly the Alternative/Indie/Rock those young kids are listening to these days... =)  

In other news, went to Roberto's River Road Restaurant for Valentine's Day with my valentine this evening and it was stupendous.

Yet again, I am neglecting that lovely thing known as educating myself to blog about what's on my mind.  

Cogitation of the day: If students pay to go to school and teachers get paid to be at school, shouldn't students get the better parking spots since we're paying to be there?  (this wondered into my head as I walked through a 'C' parking lot on my way to class today.)  Also pondered was the thought of how funny it would be if the students arriving at LSU from the Hart lot walking through the forbidden forrest were zombies after me.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Surrounded by the "la vie en rose" type.

I live with 3 artists... and have one as a sister. Yeah, ME the one who couldn't draw a stick person if you asked me to, live with three INCREDIBLY talented, and extraordinarily creative, artists.  They are: an interior designer who blogs about some really groovy things at beautiful grace, a photographer/painter, and a painter/potter.  Mind you, that each of them can do all of these activities efficiently, I guess that's part of being an artist.  My daily exposure to these refreshingly genuine, and beautiful people is such a treat!  The other night I interrupted Nicole's studies of (and arguments about) Biology for a lesson in photography.  Little did I know not all cameras are digital...woops, and people actually still develop pictures in those red rooms and put them in water and stuff....what?!  how stinkin cool.  Recently I was up late studying with Anna while she told me her idea for a new luxury department store she's coming up with for a national competition for interior designers, J. Windsor's.... so cool!  Not to mention the fact that there is a giant hat in our living room in the shape of a teacup that Kelsey made, and I'm upstairs at our house sitting by an easel and a large jar of paintbrushes conveniently placed by a book titled "Artist's Manual"... see what I mean here?

What's on the playlist for tonight as I "study"?  Vampire Weekend of course, Ottoman, on the soundtrack for Nick and Nora's infinite playlist, is a song I frequently turn to when I want to tap my feet and sing along.  I switched over from Taylor Swift... where I learned that the words to "The Best Day" don't really rhyme at all.  What's up next... hmmm.  maybe Samba 64 by The Vamps, a jazz band from Mississippi if I remember correctly.  Now this is a song that is fun to dance to.  =)  

I heard that the color orange is supposed to make you hungry... that's why my high school cafeteria painted the floors a disgusting shade of the color... kind of like this one!  .... Are you feeling hollow as you read this?

In other artist news, Erin, My sister who blogs @Chit Chat, just recently bought a mannequin to make clothes on the side from her other job.... as a designer... for a Home line at JCPenney.  Talk about having a little bit of creativity.  She amazes me with what she comes up with.

The "la vie en rose" title is not in reference to the upcoming day of St. Valentine... rather a nod to the 40's Ă‰dith Piaf song, which essentially means "seeing the world through rose-colored glasses".  Sometimes I wonder what artists notice in the landscape we see everyday that people like me don't.  Probably a lot more beauty... ahhh, and I'm filled with envy. 

Anyway, here's something I find kind of beautiful...Urbino, Italy.  Can't wait to go here...

So, I am avoiding studying for my Economics (it's in gray because it makes me sad) test on Monday so I decided to blog... for the second time, and blurb about these wonderfully visionary people that surround me.  I'm going to have to get used to blogging if I'm going to travel about the world I guess... 
More to come.
